'Sup earthlings, I'm Jay. Not much to say about me other than I have the passion of a thousand proverbial Suns for all things epic. Since the fantasies and ideas of my innermost being are starting to crowd their cage, expect them to to find refuge here.

Age 24



Joined on 2/4/16

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Greetings Earthlings,

So I'm Jay and I am mindlessly following what Newgrounds is telling me. Now keep in mind as I bleed out my heart and soul to you random people on the internet that I currently have almost zilch on my page. So, y'know, sorry for the current emptiness.

I'm not sure what you landlubbers expect me to say. Okay, for starters, I enjoy to draw pictures like a child and I do it daily. While I may not always reveal my drawings born out of my fantasies to the internet on a regular basis, some of them will escape the cage I keep them in and probably end up here. 

Sometimes, my inner most desires start moving in their little 2D realm. Yes, you heard it right, as they pass into the plane of reality they start moving their weird little limbs and face muscles. Unless they're blobs, those just make sure their hips don't lie. So if you want what you homo sapiens call "animations", please remember that their existance is unstable due to lack of fictional science. Those poor creatures still need to learn how to stabilize their beings.

Still don't get it?

Bottom line, I make stuff and at times that stuff moves. It's like the lunch your significant other makes without the skills to make said lunch; sometimes it moves and you know you shouldn't eat it. Except, you know, my stuff isn't food and animation can be a really cool thing when done right.

Well, that's my blood spilt on the floor. If one of you beautiful, faceless people on this site want to warn me about the monsters under this bed called Newgrounds, feel free to scream in my ear. In fact, you should feel obligated to. You don't want me to have to buy eye bleach, right? Because then there wouldn't be enough for the rest of the people in the world.

Seriously though, I wouldn't mind a few tips and tricks on Newgrounds. I'm not super new here but, this will probably be the first time I actually submit stuff. Also, leave me some criticism if you want. I don't really care if you think my stuff is bad but at least tell me what's wrong with it. That's called growing, right?

Okay, I'll let you return to your duties. I'll just go and wonder aimlessly through the rest of Newrgrounds.

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